Event 5: Rocket Project Marketing

My fifth and final event involved applying what I've learned through the course to improving a club - Rocket Project at UCLA. Despite having over 100 members and many years of history, Rocket Project struggles with its brand vision. Throughout this course, it has been made obvious that art is integral in bringing awareness to technical projects. 

As of last quarter, Rocket Project was using the same rather unattractive logo it has been using for years, without much to speak of in terms of brand definition or vision. This hampers our ability to effectively market ourselves and bring in new members and sponsorship. After a couple productive meetings, we have drawn up a plan for rebranding, involving a complete visual overhaul of our designs and website. As with most graphic design over recent years, we have moved from a very busy colorful logo to a simple, mono-colored design shown at the top of this post, creating a more memorable image.
We also began working on creating images of our research and new engineering feats that are accessible to one who may not know as much about rocketry. This helps us get feedback that would be otherwise impossible, and present our work in a way that is accessible to everyone. Through this integration of art & engineering, we hope to create a powerful brand that will draw more interest to rocket engineering at UCLA.
